Gentiana verna subsp. balcanica

(Gentiana verna subsp. balcanica)
Its total population is relatively small due to its limited geographical distribution and because it is found in isolated individuals. Perennial, herbaceous plant, characterized as "dwarf", due to its low height, which reaches 12 cm.
Sophia Siggiridou_Kostas Vidakis, MSc

Distribution of the species

On Mt. Paggaio, it has been recorded at altitudes higher than 1,800 m asl., mainly in the central part of its peaks. Found individually or in small groups with scattered distribution.

Description of the species (biological and ecological features)

Its total population is relatively small due to its limited geographical distribution and because it is found in isolated individuals. Perennial, herbaceous plant, characterized as “dwarf”, due to its low height, which reaches 12 cm. It usually forms groups of several shoots, as it has the ability to reproduce and expand through the development of underground parts (stolons). At the base of its shoot, there is a leaf rosette with only the central nerve visible. On the contrary, the leaves of the stem are narrower, with the upper ones being linear or lanceolate. A flower grows at the top of each shoot. The flowers consist of an elongated tube and five simple lobes of intense blue color, while their size is relatively large compared to the size of the whole plant. It is found in high altitude areas (1,800-2,800 m asl.) and can be seen flowering from May to July, depending on the altitude. It is one of the few species that flowers in spring in high altitude areas, as most plant species flower in summer. Its name is due to this feature. Specifically, the name verna comes from the Latin word ver, véris which means spring and indicates its spring flowering.

No actions were observed which could cause a decrease in its population size. However, actions that would affect the area of the peaks of Mt. Paggaio would probably cause a reduction to its population size.





Conservation status

Presidential Degree 67/81 (F.E.K. 23/Α/30-01-1981) “On the protection of native flora and fauna and defining a procedure for coordinating and controlling their research”.

Conservation state

It is listed among the plant species of the Presidential Degree 67/81 (F.E.K. 23/Α/30-01-1981) “On the protection of native flora and fauna and defining a procedure for coordinating and controlling their research”. Moreover, it is listed as “Other Important Plant Species of Greece” by the 92/43/EEC Directive. No negative impact has been observed so far on the population of Mount Paggaio. This could be attributed to its spring flowering when no harmful activities take place.