Gentiana cruciata

(Gentiana cruciata)
A species with a moderate number of individuals on Mt. Paggaio, due to its rather restricted distribution. Perennial, herbaceous plant, up to 40 cm tall.
Sophia Siggiridou_Kostas Vidakis, MSc

Distribution of the species

On Mt. Paggaio, it has been recorded at altitudes from 600 m up to 1,700 m asl. It occurs in various places, but its total population size is rather small. We can find it in mountainous areas, more specifically in forest openings and grasslands.

Description of the species (biological and ecological features)

A species with a moderate number of individuals on Mt. Paggaio, due to its rather restricted distribution. Perennial, herbaceous plant, up to 40 cm tall. It is characterized by numerous, usually unbranched stems. The leaves at the base of the stems are lanceolate, forming a basal rosette, while the leaves along the stem are smaller, elliptical to oblong. The blue flowers are clustered in groups of 3-5, at the tops of the stems. The medicinal properties of species of the genus were discovered in the 2nd century BC by the king of Illyria Gentius. About two centuries later, Pliny named this plant Gentiana, in honor of the Illyrian king. Its alleged healing properties, mainly tonic for digestion and soothing of gastrointestinal inflammations, are owed to the root of the yellow gentian, another species of the genus. The gentian was also called by Dioscorides “centaur root” and, because it of its many healing properties, it was believed that Centaur Chiron was using it. All species of the genus are widely used as ornamentals in many countries, mainly due to their impressive flowers. It grows in forest openings, while sometimes it appears up to the alpine zone in grasslands or pastures, at altitudes from 1,000 to 2,000 m asl, mainly on limestone. It flowers in July, although its flowering period can be extended until August, depending on the altitude and the special microclimatic conditions of the micro-sites where it occurs.

No specific actions were observed, which in turn could cause a decrease in its population size. However, actions such as overcollection due to its beautiful flowers could cause a reduction.

Conservation status

Presidential Degree 67/81 (F.E.K. 23/Α/30-01-1981) “On the protection of native flora and fauna and defining a procedure for coordinating and controlling their research”.

Conservation state

It is listed among the plant species of the Presidential Degree 67/81 (F.E.K. 23/Α/30-01-1981) “On the protection of native flora and fauna and defining a procedure for coordinating and controlling their research”. Moreover, it is listed as “Other Important Plant Species of Greece” by the 92/43/EEC Directive. Despite its small population size, which is associated to the area of its suitable micro-sites, it is not considered as threatened. Assigned to the “LC-Least Concern” category by IUCN. Its inclusion in the specific category is owned to the observed decline in its global distribution range. However, this decline does not justify its inclusion in any one of the IUCN threat categories.