Cistus creticus

(Cistus creticus)
A multi-branched shrub up to 1.5 m tall. Its rich in oils leaves are ovate to almost circular, with undulate edges.
Sophia Siggiridou_Kostas Vidakis, MSc

Distribution of the species

One of the most common shrub species of Paggaio. Found in dry, stony places, on road slopes, on the borders of crops, in phrygana, in maquis shrubs, in oak and deciduous forest clearings, etc. It is, along with Erica manipuliflora, one of the main shrub species of the acidic, degraded soils on the south side of the mountain, such as north and east of Moustheni. This physiognomically distinct vegetation type is called garrigue, representing an intermediate stage between dense and high maquis and phrygana.

Description of the species (biological and ecological features)

A multi-branched shrub up to 1.5 m tall. Its rich in oils leaves are ovate to almost circular, with undulate edges. The flowers are violet-reddish, sprouting in groups on twig tops (1-3 [-6]). Each flower has five sepals and numerous yellow stamens. It flowers from March to June. A species of the Mediterranean, the Crimea that extends to the Caucasus, having evolved mechanisms of adaptation to the Mediterranean climate, mainly high levels of essential oils. Its leaves secrete a sticky, fragrant, pleasantly-smelling resin, especially in summer, known as labdanum. It is rich in polyphenols, having antioxidant properties and considered an immune booster. In the past, it was used for its haemostatic, healing and soothing properties, collected from the beards and hair of goats it clung on when they grazed on bushes. Today, it is used in perfumery, soap making and as incense. Essential oils play a significant role in the competition between species, often associated with allelopathy, in protection from browsers and in water use, reducing water loss under intense sunlight.

Due to its relatively wide distribution on Mount Paggaio, no particular threats and pressures were observed or reported, which could lead to a significant reduction in its population.

Conservation status

Conservation state

It is not subjected to any national or international conservation status.