Matthiola fruticulosa подв. valesiaca

(Matthiola fruticulosa subsp. valesiaca )
Perennial herbaceous plant, woody at base, grayish hairy, densely covered with small, soft hairs. The leaves at the base of the plant are very narrow, linear or oblanceolate.
Sophia Siggiridou_Kostas Vidakis, MSc

Distribution of the species

It has been recorded in rocky and stony places, ravines and subalpine meadows, at altitudes between 600 and 1,900 m asl.

Description of the species (biological and ecological features)

Perennial herbaceous plant, woody at base, grayish hairy, densely covered with small, soft hairs. The leaves at the base of the plant are very narrow, linear or oblanceolate. Flowering stems, several, erect up to 40 cm. Inflorescence with 3-9 flowers. Petals typically undulate, flesh-colored or yellowish-purple or even more rarely yellowish. The fruit is elongated, with a length much more than 3 times its width and splits when ripe along two valves. Between the two valves, there is a membranous partition (false-septum), hosting the seeds. It flowers from May to July, depending on the altitude. It is one of the plants that have the ability to absorb a large concentration of lead from the environment, accumulating it in their roots and shoots.

Due to its relatively wide distribution on Mount Paggaio, no particular threats and pressures were observed or reported, which could lead to a significant reduction in its population.

Conservation status

Conservation state

It is not subjected to any national or international conservation status.