Distribution of the species
Common resident in Paggaio. The local breeding population is smaller than the 2% of the national population (estimated at 370,000–470,000 pairs). The conservation status of the local population, which is not isolated within its wider distribution range, is considered good. In the study area, the species is found in a wide variety of habitats, from the open agroforestry areas and the riparian vegetation of the lower altitudes, to the coniferous and deciduous forests of the higher altitudes, and also in the ecotone which the latter habitats form with open alpine habitats. It can be also observed in groups of trees or in individual trees within the settlements of the study area.
Description of the species (biological and ecological features)
The size of chaffinch, but stocky like the house sparrow, with a strong head and a thick tapered beak, light in color. With yellow-green breast, gray-green upperparts, yellow stripe on the tip of the primates and on the sides of the forked tail, grayish sides of the head. The female with duller gray and brown colors. Dynamic flight, with the strong and hasty strokes of the long wings producing deep undulation. It has a pleasant song, lengthy, with trills, fast whistles and tweets.
Resident in the area. It breeds in forest edges, woods, bushy areas with dense vegetation. Common in parks, villages and cities, especially in winter. It nests in trees or shrubs. Outside of the breeding season, in other areas, it has been observed in large flocks of up to thousands of birds, frequenting even more open ηαβιτατσ. It feeds on a large variety of medium and large seeds, mainly of trees and shrubs, but also grasses and cereals. Sometimes it finds them on the ground. It eats the fruit stone, discarding the flesh.
The species does not face any significant threat. The main threat for the species Illegal cage trapping could reduce its population locally.
Conservation status
Least Concern.
Conservation state
Protected under the Bern Convention (Appendix II). Listed as Least Concern in Greece and in Europe, by the Greek Red Data Book and the IUCN correspondingly Not included in a SPEC category (European species of conservation concern) by BirdLife International.