Thymus thracicus

(Thymus thracicus)
Species with a significant number of individuals on Mount Paggaio. Perennial, low plant, with long non-flowering and flowering stems.
Sophia Siggiridou_Kostas Vidakis, MSc

Distribution of the species

On Mt. Paggaio, we will find it at altitudes higher than 1,250 m asl, in openings of beech forests or in grasslands above the tree-line. It is not rare in the high-altitude grasslands.

Description of the species (biological and ecological features)

Species with a significant number of individuals on Mount Paggaio. Perennial, low plant, with long non-flowering and flowering stems. The flowering stems are 5-15 cm long, covered with hair (hair length up to 1 mm), or puberulent on two sides only (hairs almost appressed, up to 0.5 mm). The length of the middle leaves of the stem is 3-5 times greater than their width, while their shape is narrowly elliptical to oblanceolate. The leaves have abundant, oil-bearing glands, distinguished by their reddish color. The inflorescence is located at the edge of the stems or branches (capitate), and the flowers are characterized by a 2-lipped purple corolla, 6-8 mm long. A plant rich in essential oils, mainly concentrated in the oily glands of the leaves. Species of the genus Thymus (of thymes) have been known since antiquity, as mentioned by Theophrastus. All species of the genus are aromatic, with wide uses in medicine, flavoring and beekeeping. This species is found in stony and rocky, sunny places, at altitudes higher than 1,200 m asl. It prefers limestone substrates and we will see it flowering from June to September.

Due to its relatively wide distribution on Mount Paggaio, no particular threats and pressures were observed or reported, which could lead to a significant reduction in its population. However, non-controlled collection of this species would cause a serious decline.

Conservation status

“Other Important Plant Species of Greece” by the 92/43/EEC Directive.

Conservation state

Although it is not subjected to any national or international conservation status, it is listed as “Other Important Plant Species of Greece” by the 92/43/EEC Directive.