Distribution of the species
It is quite common in the beech forests of Mt. Paggaio and in a lesser extent in oak forests. Rarely, we can find it in the subalpine grasslands and on road sides. It occurs mainly in the eastern part of the mountain, at altitudes above 1,000 m asl.
Description of the species (biological and ecological features)
Species with large population size. It can be easily recognized by the, unique for the genus, pinkish flowers. It is also characterized by the hairy stem, the narrow oval to lanceolate and pointed leaves, as well as by the lax and pubescent inflorescence. Its flowers are generally pinkish, without spur, with acuminate perianth segments and pubescent sepals on their outer surface. Its hypochile is white with yellow veins and erect, bearing pinkish lateral lobes. Its white epichile is pointed, with numerous longitudinal ochre-yellow ridges. The ovary is characteristically linear and pubescent. It is one of the most primitive species of wild orchids with a wide distribution throughout the northern hemisphere. It is a species found mainly in beech, oak and coniferous forests, as well as on forest edges. It is very common and especially characteristic of beech forests in limestone. Indeed, it is one of the few species observed in beech forests. We will see it flowering from mid-May until July, depending on the altitude.
Due to its relatively wide distribution on Mount Paggaio, no particular threats and pressures, which would lead to a significant reduction in its population, were observed. Moreover, its population does not undergo any change, as the habitats where it occurs are stable and are not endangered by human activities or environmental factors.
Conservation status
It is listed among the plant species of the Presidential Degree 67/81 (F.E.K. 23/Α/30-01-1981.
Conservation state
It is listed among the plant species of the Presidential Degree 67/81 (F.E.K. 23/Α/30-01-1981) “On the protection of native flora and fauna and defining a procedure for coordinating and controlling their research”, also as “Other Important Plant Species of Greece” by the 92/43/EEC Directive. Moreover, it is protected by CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).