European columbine

(Aquilegia vulgaris)
The total number of individuals found on Mt. Paggaio is very small. Perennial, herbaceous plant that can grow up to one meter in height.
Sophia Siggiridou_ Kostas Vidakis, MSc

Distribution of the species

It has been recorded in a very small number of sites, mainly near the contact zone between beech forests and subalpine grasslands, at altitudes of 1,600-1,700 m asl.

Description of the species (biological and ecological features)

The total number of individuals found on Mt. Paggaio is very small. Perennial, herbaceous plant that can grow up to one meter in height. The leaves are ovate, broad, while the flowers are large, bending downwards, violet to bluish, rarely pinkish. The stamens in the central part of the flower protrude from the corolla and are bright yellow. Due to the active substances contained in the aboveground part of the plant, it is used to cure various diseases, however, with dubious effectiveness. Its leaves have been used in the past in the form of lotions against rheumatic pains, sore throats and sores of the oral cavity. However, all parts of the plant, especially its leaves and seeds, are highly toxic and should therefore be avoided. Because of this property, the species is also referred to as the “poisonous columbine“. The particularly impressive flowers of the plant, led to its extensive use as an ornamental, while many varieties have been produced that highlight its beautiful characteristics (e.g., flower size, color). It is found in deciduous (mainly beech) and pine forests, as well as on forest edges or along road sides, in the mountainous vegetation zone. It flowers from June to mid-July.

Although its population size is small, no actions have been observed which could cause its reduction. However, as we will only be able to find a few isolated individuals, any action that would lead to the destruction these plants (e.g., cutting of inflorescences) will cause a reduction in its total population.

Conservation status

It is listed among the plant species of the Presidential Degree 67/81 (F.E.K. 23/Α/30-01-1981).

Conservation state

It is listed among the plant species of the Presidential Degree 67/81 (F.E.K. 23/Α/30-01-1981) “On the protection of native flora and fauna and defining a procedure for coordinating and controlling their research”, also as “Other Important Plant Species of Greece” by the 92/43/EEC Directive.